You can use your Google account. Enter the gmail account that
you would like to use, then click "Next".
Enter the password with the associated Google account, then
click "Next".
You will be redirected to the application once the page is done
Caregiver Login
To login as a caregiver, the care-receiver must first give
access to the caregiver by clicking on “Click to sync with other
user” on their homepage as shown below.
The care-receiver will then be redirected to a webpage where
they should input the email address of the user they would like
the sync with. Please ask your care-receiver to enter your
preferred email address and hit “submit”.
You should then receive an email this email address containing
your username and unique password. If the email does not appear
in your inbox within 10 minutes, please check your spam folder.
You can now use this information to login into the I-Care
platform and set your name as you would like it to be displayed.
Your account will now be synced to your care-receiver, allowing
you to view and edit their calendar, todo list, and goal
Logging in for the first time?
Primary Login
You can use your Google account. Enter the gmail account that
you would like to use, then click "Next".
Enter the password with the associated Google account, then
click "Next".
You will be redirected to the application once the page is done
Caregiver Login
To login as a caregiver, the care-receiver must first give
access to the caregiver by clicking on “Click to sync with other
user” on their homepage as shown below.
The care-receiver will then be redirected to a webpage where
they should input the email address of the user they would like
the sync with. Please ask your care-receiver to enter your
preferred email address and hit “submit”.
You should then receive an email this email address containing
your username and unique password. If the email does not appear
in your inbox within 10 minutes, please check your spam folder.
You can now use this information to login into the I-Care
platform and set your name as you would like it to be displayed.
Your account will now be synced to your care-receiver, allowing
you to view and edit their calendar, todo list, and goal